Material Girl - Teaser

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fall Fashion Is Underway

Hello fellow readers!

Sorry it has been a while since I have made a post. It has been quite a busy few months for me in terms of work! I have been interning for a few magazines as well as working full time so I have not had a lot of time to research good stuff for you here on blogger, Although I am still putting up weekly trend reports via my fashion column in the Chicago Examiner! Check them out here!
In honor of the season premier of Mad Men, I have posted some great old school vintage fashion illustrations that showcase and highlight the chic 60's style that the show has become infamous for! You can find more at! Make sure to check out my recent examiner article for a vintage how to!

As you all can already tell, Summer's end is fast approaching! Soon the chilly fall air will hit Chicago and with that comes Chicago Fashion Focus and NY Fashion Week! Needless to say, Fall is my FAVE season! I just love the chilly weather and the great transition in my wardrobe!! I will be utilizing the blog to showcase top trends over the course of the year as well as pointing you to some of my personal vintage recreations and personal designs.
I will also be steering the blog into more of a professional direction in terms of showcasing my trend researching ability, my styling ability and will use it as a tool to reach out to people who have fashion questions and need direction!

So please start sending questions and requests! I will be more than happy to showcase a question and answer it with great visuals and step by step direction! I also just created my website with my portfolio for your view! check it out here!


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